Est. 1888

Welsh City Hall
Monday-Thursday 7:30am-4:30pm
Friday 7:30am-11:30am
Lobby & Drive Through Window Mon. - Thurs.
7:30am-4:30pm Friday 7:30 am-11:30 am
Drop Box 24 hours

The next council meeting is on Wednesday, March 5, 2025 at Old City Hall at 6:00 p.m.
The Town of Welsh is a self contained system consisting of Electricity, Sewer, Water, Garbage/Limb Pickup, Grass Cutting, Animal Control, and Airport.
The Town of Welsh is supplied by Entergy with 69,000 volts that are stepped down to 13,800 and 2,400 volts by the substation. The electricity is sent down the lines to serve approximately 1,740 customer's needs. 52% are fed 13,800 volts and 48% receive 2,400 volts. There are 3 lineman on call at all times. 24/7/365. This year marks the 100th year of electrical service.
The Town of Welsh serves approximately 1,520 customers. Fire hydrants are flushed on a weekly basis to keep lines as free and clear as possible. Some lines are as old as the town. Elevated tower, ground storage, and the SCADA system are monitored by a plant operator and 2 other workers. the SCADA system notifies the superintendent by phone of any drops in water pressure. Recent grants furnished funds for the SCADA system and the changing of antrosite filters.
The Town of Welsh sewer plant treats all sewer from the town after going through lift stations. The sewer is treated using the latest technology acquired through recent grants. the SCADA system is also at the sewer plant, thus requiring no full time operator. The plant is maintained by 2 workers.
Garbage/Limb Pickup:
The Town of Welsh's garbage truck runs 5 days/week for all residential and commercial trash pickup needs. The limb truck picks up cut limbs and all old used appliances.
Alderman, Robert "Bob" Owens brought his high school students in his electricity class for a lesson in the Town of Welsh's role in bringing electrical power from Entergy to the residents of Welsh.
Town of Welsh lineman showed the students how high powered electricity comes in and is stepped down and managed in order to supply Welsh homes and businesses with power.

The Town of Welsh's airport is currently used by 6 different flying services using agriculture planes. A 1.5 million dollar grant is in the works for a 5 year plan. A committee of 7 members including the airport manager governs the specifics of the airport.
Grass Cutting:
The Town of Welsh employees cut public areas with zero-turn mowers and pesticide control. A sidewinder is used for low-hanging limbs and ditches.